List of Publications' 2004

Scientific Journals:

Buldakov M.A., Cherepanov V.N. Influence of nuclear vibrations on the (N2)2 and (O2)2 dimer polarizability  // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 23-29.

Buldakov M.A., Cherepanov V.N. Dipole moment functions of the CO and NO molecules // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 29-35.

Buldakov M.A., Cherepanov V.N. Polarizability functions of the N2 and O2 molecules // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 35-42.

Simonova G.V., Polovtsev I.G., Tartakovsky V.A. Adaptive elements in a precision laser interferometer // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 127-132.

Andreev Yu.M., Geiko P.P., Kotsubinskaya E.  ZnGeP2 crystal: applications for visualization or IR signals // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 173-181.

Deming Ren, Jinzhe Huang, Xiaoyong Hu, Yanchen Qu, Andreev Yu.M., Geiko P.P., Badikov V.V. Efficient CO2 frequency doubling with Hg1-x Cdx Ga2S4 // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 205-212.

Kashkin V.B., Lankin Ju.P., Sakaah I.Y., Smirnov S.V., Goncharov E.A. Identifying the causes of changing the stratospheric ozone concentration using neuronic networks // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 215-223.

Shishlov V.I., Dyukarev E.A. Variability of processes in the Siberia climate system at transformations of baric systems // Proc. SPIE, 5396 (2004): 315-326.

Goroshkevich S.N., Petrova E.A. Modern system of managemeht in Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) forests: an attempt to analysis on basis of F.Avrov’s idea // Biodiversity Conservation of Forest Ecosystem in North-East Asia. Proceeding of the  International Workshop. China, Harbin, April 26. 2004. P.102-106.

Simonova G.V., Dyomin V.V., Polovtsev I.G. An optical system of the underwater holocamera for the particle recording // Proc. SPIE, 5311 (2004): 292-295.

Simonova G.V., Polovtsev I.G., Tartakovsky V.A. Power components of a large-dimension interferometer // Proc. SPIE, 5478. Laser Optics 2003: Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Frequency Conversion. P. 261-265.

Tatur V.V., Vybornov P.V. Efficiency of charging circuit for metal vapor lasers // Proc. SPIE. Vol. 5483. Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers. P. 141-146.

Blyakharchuk T.A., Wright H.E., Borodavko P.S., W.O. van der Knaap, Ammann B.  Late Glacial and Holocene vegetational changes on the Ulagan high-mountain plateau, Altai Mountains, southern Siberia // Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 209 (2004): 259-279.

Badenkov Yu., Bolshakov V., Narozhniy Yu.,Timoshok E., Yashina T., Zateev V. Russian Federation: Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve and Natural World Heritage // Global Change Research in Mountain Biosphere Reserves. Paris: UNESCO, 2004. P. 65-84.

Timoshok E., Narozhniy Yu. Ecosystems and glaciological studies in the glacier basin Aktru (Associated cluster Aktru) // Global Change Research in Mountain Biosphere Reserves. Paris: UNESCO, 2004. P. 173-182.

D. Ren, J. Huang, X. Hu, Y. Qu, Yu. Andreev, P. Geiko, V. Badikov Efficient CO2 frequency doubling with Hg1-xCdxGa2S4 X Joint International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics // Proc. SPIE, 5397 (2004): 205-211.

Yu. Andreev, P. Geiko, E. Kotsubinskaya CO2 Laser Up-converter for Lidar Applications X Joint International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics // Proc. SPIE, 5397 (2004): 173-180.

Goroshkevich S.N. Natural hybridization between Russian stone pine (Pinus sibirica) and Japanese stone pine (Pinus pumila) // Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle pines: growth, adaptability, and pest resistance; 2001 July 23-27; Medford, OR, USA. IUFRO Working Party 2.02.15. Proceedings RMRS-P-32. Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station., 2004.- P. 169-171.

Krasnenko N. P. Influence of the Atmospheric Channel on the Sound Propagation above the Ground Surface /In: Proc. NATO RTO SET Symposium on Capabilities of Acoustics in Air-Ground and Maritime Reconnaissance, Target Classification and identification, April 26–28, 2004, Lerici, Italy. RTO-MP-SET-079, 2004. P. 18-1–18-17.

Vaganov E.A., Silkin P.P., Huges M., Nesvetailo V.D. The Tunguska event in 1908: Evidence from the tree ring anatomy // Astrobiology, 4. No. 3 (2004): 391-399.

Buldakov M.A., Cherepanov V.N. The semiempirical dipole moment functions of the molecules HX (X=F, Cl, Br, I, O), CO and NO // J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 37 (2004): 3973-3986.

Ren De-Ming, Huang Jin-Zhe, Qu Yan-Chen, Hu Xiao-Yong, Andreev Yuri, Geiko Pavel, Badikov Valerii and Shaiduko Anna  Optical properties and frequency conversion with AgGaGeS4 crystal // Chinese Phys, 13, No. 9 (2004): 1468-1473.

Huang J., Ren D., Hu X., Qu Y., Andreev Yu., Geiko P., Badikov V., Lanskii G. Nonlinear optical properties of mixed Cd0.35Hg0.65Ga2S4 crystal. ACTA PHYS SINICA. 2004, 53(11), p.135-139.

Shishlov V.I., Dyukarev E.A. Estimation of cyclone influence on changes of Siberia climate characteristics // Proc. of SPIE, 5743. "Eleventh International Symposium on Atmospheric and
Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics " , 2004, p. 582- 592.

Mananko E.E. Investigation of the shadow effects for acoustic reflector antenna aperture with an irridiator. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing and Associated Techniques of the Atmosphere and Oceans, Cambridge, UK . 2004, p. 149-151.

Bukhlova G.V., Krasnenko N.P., Stafeev P.G. Retrieval of meteorological parameter profiles from the data of ultrasonic measurements in the near-ground atmospheric layer. Proceedings (Addendum) of the 12th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote Sensing and Associated Techniques of the Atmosphere and Oceans, Cambridge, UK . 2004, p. 11-13.


Articles in compiltaions:

Krasnenko N.P. Sound propagation in the atmosphere above the ground surface. In the Proceedings of the XV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Nizhny Novgorod,November 15-18, 2004, p.305-310. N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow.

Krasnenko N.P., Mananko E.E. Analysis and synthesis of shielded acoustic antennas for atmospheric researches. In the Proceedings of the XV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Nizhny Novgorod,November 15-18, 2004, p.317-320. N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow.

Bukhlova G.V., Krasnenko N.P., Stafeev P. G. Retrieval of meteorological parameter profiles from the data of ultrasonic measurements in the    near-ground atmospheric layer. In the Proceedings of the XV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Nizhny Novgorod,November 15-18, 2004, p.321-323. N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow.

Krasnenko N.P., Abramochkin V.N.,  Bukhlova G.V., Druzhin O.V., Egorov A.N.,   Ivanova A.Yu., Kushner A.A., Mananko E.E., Sokolov Yu.M., Stafeev P.G., and Fomichev A.A. Sound broadcasting in the near-ground atmosphere and its prediction. In the Proceedings of the XV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Nizhny Novgorod,November 15-18, 2004, p.324-327. N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow.

Krasnenko N.P., Kudryavtsev A.N., Mananko E.E., Stafeev P.G. Instrumental complex for investigation of the near-ground acoustic wave propagation in the atmosphere. In the Proceedings of the XV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Nizhny Novgorod,November 15-18, 2004, p.328-331. N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, Moscow.