4-я Международная Конференция

ИМКЭС СО РАН совместно с Международным союзом лесных исследовательских организаций (IUFRO) проводит 4-ю международную конференцию "Селекция и генетические ресурсы 5-хвойных сосен". Конференция будет проходить в Томске с 9 по 12 августа 2011 г., также в рамках конференции состоится тур на Алтай с 13 по 19 августа 2011.

На конференции будут представлены доклады и постерные сообщения по следующим аспктам исследования 5-хвойных сосен:

  • генэкология и природоохранная биология,
  • популяционная и эволюционная генетика, генетика количественных признаков и геномика,
  • селекция на продуктивность и устойчивость к заболеваниям и вредителям,
  • влияние изменений климата.

Оргвзнос за участие в томской части конференции для российских участников 2500 руб, заочное участие (только публикация материалов) - 500 руб.


IUFRO Working Group 2.02.15

The Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines Conference

Tomsk (Siberia), Russian Federation

August 9-19, 2011


The IUFRO Working group 2.02.15 in collaboration with the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems - Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are pleased to announce the 4th conference on 'Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines' to be held August 9-19, 2011, in Tomsk, Russian Federation.

 The main purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for sharing research data, exchanging ideas on emerging research trends and interacting in a personal and friendly atmosphere with colleagues in this field from all around the world.

 One of the ideas put forward by our hosts for the Tomsk Meeting is a proposal that the meeting also acts as a venue to organize and exchange 5-needle pine species and ecotypes, particularly seeds between participants. Concurrent planting of provenance tests from this seed exchange in different countries and geographical locations would allow evaluation of adaptive potential and genetic diversity of species and ecotypes. This action could be a base for creation of international consortium on long-term observation of 5-needle pine provenance tests. This would be especially valuable in light of climate impact on the high altitude and latitude ecosystems that the 5-needle pines dominate.

 The Conference welcomes papers on the five-needle pine species -


  • genecology,
  • conservation biology,
  • population, evolutionary, quantitative genetics, and genomics,
  • breeding for productivity and for resistance against diseases and pests,
  • impact of climate change.


The main part of the Conference (August 9-12, 2011) will be held in the city of Tomsk, which is famous for its unique historic wooden architecture and as the home of the oldest University in Siberia. Several fieldtrips to the Siberian natural forests (south taiga zone) and field-trials are planned. Trial sites will include: 5-needle pine collections, P. sibirica high-productive genotypes and decorative cultivars, clonal seed orchards and provenance tests.

 Conference Registration fee includes session attendance, coffee breaks, lunches, banquet, field trips, publication of abstract and extended abstract / paper.

 Post-conference tour (August 13-19, 2011) includes a trip to Altai National Reserve. Participants will travel about 860 km from Tomsk to Lake Teletskoe and visit Siberian Stone Pine native forests and seed orchards. Boat excursion through Lake Teletskoe to the southern shore is planned.

 Post-Conference Altai Tour fee includes transportation, accommodation, meals, and excursions.

 Please notice the following important dates:


April - preliminary registration and Abstract submission. You can download and submit a Registration form or register on-line on http://fiveneedle.narod.ru.

June – early conference registration fee (250 USD) and Altai-Tour fee (550 USD) payment;


August – late conference registration fee (300 USD) and Altai-Tour fee (570 USD) payment.


Conference and Altai Tour Fees could be partially waived by the Organizing Committee for invited participants depending on the budget. 

Call for Abstract

The conference language is English, and therefore all abstracts must be submitted in English. The Scientific Committee (SC) will review all submitted abstracts. Abstracts failing to meet minimum standards or are not relevant to this conference will be declined. SC will determine if the submitted work qualifies to be presented orally or by poster. All abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published, and submission of an abstract implies that authors agree to have their abstract published by the Conference.

Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail at fiveneedle@gmail.com.  Please notice that abstracts can be finally accepted only if at least one of authors has registered for participation at the conference. Deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2011.

The abstract title should not exceed 40 words; the main text should not exceed 500 words. First and last names, e-mail and affiliation are required for each author. The abstract should provide concise details of the background and objectives(s) of the research, methods used, results and main conclusions. References should not be included.

All accepted abstracts will be available online at the Conference webpage prior to the Conference and in a CD that will be distributed to all Conference delegates.

Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) or papers of all oral and poster presentations will be published as Proceedings of the Conference. Selected papers may be submitted as a package for a special issue of some peer-reviewed research journal (to be determined). Complete instructions for paper preparation will be provided in a separate notice.

Presentation formats

Plenary - 20 min; oral - 15 min; PowerPoint presentation.

Poster presentation

Poster board size should not exceed a 90 cm (width) x 110 cm (height). The wooden panel stands will be used for posting posters.


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Телефон: (3822) 492265. Факс: (3822) 491950.

Россия, 634055, г. Томск, пр. Академический, 10 / 3.